Learning Resources & Support
Build a better working knowledge of the PLUS CLOSETS system. Courses and lessons are designed around the dealers. Always available and always free. Expectations fully visible to you, giving you the confidence to sell your product.
Always Available
Cloud Based Training. Providing all necessary information in one place.
Jump In
Learning starts where you want it. Help is a few clicks away.
Service Support
Upload designs, submit service & add-on orders. Schedule 1-on-1 training.
Course Structure
PLUS CLOSETS has all the right tools, systems, people & processes in place to grant dealers access to a manufacturing, distribution & design solution for custom cut 3/4" 32mm system melamine cabinetry. Our focus is closets, but a great deal of customization can still be achieved through learning all the working parts of our standards & practices in what is offered and available. Design is the most crucial element in the process as it deals with all the detail. As far as getting your jobs drawn, priced, produced, and shipped, PLUS CLOSETS has solutions streamlined at every turn. The course structure is setup as a referential walk through to all the intricacy that is our system, ultimately granting dealers further & further autonomy.
Individualized 1-on-1 Training
Sessions for software training are offered to our dealers, and can be a great way to follow up the learning provided here. We have both free and paid training courses based upon the selected software. Closet Pro sessions are free, but require an appointment. Cabinet Vision access is on an individual basis per dealer representative and dealer, as the relationship matures. Contact us below to get set up for a personalized session.
Product Knowledge, Drawing Requests, Design, Add-Ons & Service Calls, Closet Pro Software, Cabinet Vision Software, Installation & Marketing, all available to you.
As you complete courses & lessons, your progress is tracked, indicating to us that you have successfully obtained new knowledge on the products and process at hand. Completing course work will unlock benefits to you as a dealer within our company. Design & Drawing Fees will be reduced and waived as you take yourself through the lessons. Also beyond registering for & using Closet Pro Software to design, with full completion of all courses, and being assessed by your dealer representative, remote desktop Cabinet Vision use will be considered. This process is a progression, set up to proactively grant access to the tools. Learning & support are the main focuses of Plus Closets Training, alongside your success as a dealer.
Ultimately we all want what is best for our clients. You want what is best for your customers, and in turn we do too. So, to refine the process for our dealers we have put together Plus Closets Training.